Saved Lists

Use Save Athlete Lists to build lists of saved athletes within the Exchange to effectively manage communication and payments to different groups of athletes in bulk.

To Create a Saved Athlete List:

  1. Navigate to the Browse Athletes from the left sidebar menu. 
  2. Use the filters to select which athletes you want to be included in your list.
  3. Select the Selected Athletes icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  4. In the pop-up, select Add to List. 
  5. Select the + Add New List button. *Note: If you wish to add athletes to an existing list, select the list in the pop-up and select Save.
  6. Enter a name for your Saved List.
  7. Select Save List.

*Note: Users can also add an athlete to an existing list by viewing the athlete’s full profile page or profile drawer. Additionally, when viewing an athlete’s profile, you will be able to view the lists the athlete is associated with.

After you have created your Saved Athlete List, you can easily manage your saved list.

To Manage a Saved Athlete List:

  1. Navigate to the Browse Athletes page from the left sidebar menu.
  2. Select the Saved List subtab at the top of the page.
  3. Select the Three-Dot Icon in the row of the list.
  4. Select Edit or Delete.
  5. If you wish to edit a list, add or remove any athletes or rename the list and select Update List.